Saturday, June 13, 2015

I love it. I love it! I LOVE IT!

Today was a good day.  I found a set of vintage Pyrex Mixing bowls in a Butterprint pattern for only $5.  SCORE!
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Pyrex Butterprint Turquoise
I love vintage Pyrex.  There are so many beautiful patterns, colors and variations that you come across.   I used to be in a Facebook group called Pyrex Lovers (or something like that).  What a bunch of cheeky fiends.  There was no love in that group.  They were constantly accusing other members of being PYREX POSERS and testing their TRUE LOVE of Pyrex. It's PYREX!  Not Channel.  Get a grip.  I eventually had to leave the group because I couldn't take the mean spirit.  I did learn that there are some actual crazies that have their bodies tattooed with Pyrex patterns.   

Pyrex tattoos? That's pretty hardcore.
Not me.  Courtesy of Pintrest.

So now, at this late hour, I have a dilemma.   Do I finish watching season 3 of Orange is the New Black or do I hit the Goodwill before it closes?  Hmmm.  

Later tightwads!